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Made for a fun short story. The flashlight brightness did make it hard to read the notes but overall direction was pretty natural. Linking the short story if your interested


Gave this game a chance and after a few tries I can say that it's quite fine. I did not really understand how the monster works, but with a little try and error you can get a grip on that.
Nice work here.

Good Job

I've already playing it and it really fun!! 


I will be playing this live tomorrow 9/18 around 7-730 PM EST =D


Pretty solid, lulling me into a false sense of security before the scares start. I managed to get both endings BUT my recording had an issue on the good ending so I retried it over and over until my sanity finally broke.




Nice game, took me some time to find the clues like the note that's appearing in the kitchen for a short time, but I did not manage to get out anyway, although I had the front door key.
But it was a great little game and I will post some gameplay when it's uploaded.

I especially like the font appearing at the sides of eht path in the beginning. That's something that differs from other games.

Looking forward for more such games from you.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! I enjoyed this game a lot =) I played it as part of my latest "3 Scary Games" series. Your game is #2 in the video.




Love this game!!!!


I made this game and I think I did a pretty good job